Configure sendOTP node for Indonesia phone number

HI @Pratik , this works for India phone number, but for Indonesian number do we need more additional setup?

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If it’s just for Indonesian users you can change the default ISD code in the Phone Prompt settings.

it’s here right?

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is it possible to call the OTP Value sent ?

can we use data.variables.otp ?

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Yes, you can set a default prefix ISD code. Otherwise, you can ask users to provide a phone number with an ISD code.

No, for security reasons OTP value is not accessible.

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Hi @Pratik , below is my OTP Journey :

and for Phone Node, I set to Idonesian Prefix


below is the chatbot result

but , I never received the OTP , could you please help?

if i change to india number prefix, it works just fine

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hey @bita
There’s an option to Prefix a calling code in the Phone Prompt settings. Can you please enable it?
It’ll add the +62 code to user input, which is the phone number we wanted.

HI @Pratik , I have ticked the check box for prefix

and this is the chatbot view

but still not received the OTP.

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Can you please share bot access with me at

Also, you should use different variables to store OTP and phone number.

Hi @Pratik , i have sent the invites, its really appreciated.

its in : category bitBank–> journey SendOTP

thank you

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@bita I’m not able to find sendOTP journey in the bit bank bot.

@bita I found the issue. You were trying to store phone number in the otp variable and were trying to fetch mobile number from otp variable, as shown in the screenshots given below.

I’ve fixed the issues; can you please give it a shot now?

hi @Pratik
i want to ask a question,
is there any configuration before we use send otp function?
like, setting for sender OTP phone number or something like that ?
because, i try to build journey like @bita and same, no otp received

i store phone number to variable number
send otp with number

store response to otp, and verify with variable otp

is that wrong?