We have 3 WhatsApp numbers (Numbers A, B and C) from which we send notifications to around 6000 dealers.
If a Number A customer says Hi in Number B, we need to display a fallback message as " You are not registered with us. Kindly type Hi in mobile number 1 for Number A, mobile number 2 for Number B and so on.
Can someone please tell us how do we achieve this?
You can have a DB of all numbers registered with Number B.
Collect {{sender}} from user irrespective of the number they’ve typed on
Check if that number exists in the botDB
if not, trigger a message with the message you’ve shared above
actually we have to identify on ourself and we dont have any db there is a condition on which we have to divert the user to other number so we have to find to which whatsapp number a user is sending a message. for the result actually i have found that there is one field which give the number of the whatsapp which is used for getting the notification.