GEO co-ordinates (Country/City/Latitude/Longitude) in WhatsApp

In data.profile, we can get country details. Is it based on GEO location or WhatsApp numer?
“_id”: “626b72ceb7c2e37e539b840a”,
“uid”: “919789978878”,
“bot”: “x1581674672122”,
“platform”: “whatsapp”,
“firstTime”: false,
“data”: {
“country”: “INDIA”,
“country_code”: “IN”,
“name”: “Kittu”,
“sfGeoCode”: “INDIA”,
“timezone”: “+05:30”
Could we able to get city or Latitude/Longitude co-ordinates?

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can we capture current, lat and long or current city of user?

Getting the user location is possible only if the user shares it from the app native functionality. But its not possible by default.

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ok, noted. Thx @Wasim_Laskar
i’ll try this.