Please confirm the trackable metrics from the platform

Please refer to the above flow for a WhatsApp campaign, can we track the below analytics out of the box and display them directly as a dashboard using data explorer?

  1. Sent
  2. Delivered Rates
  3. Open / Read Rate
  4. Click of Unlock Surprise
  5. Buy Now Click
  6. Unlock Clicked mapped with Nudge Clicked
  7. Nudge Clicked mapped with Buy now Clicked
  8. Buy Now Clicked Mapped to Explore Clicked
  9. Unlock Now Clicked mapped to Nudge clicked to Explore Clicked
  10. Drop off at all 3 clicks
  11. Time Based statistics (when are they clicking / diff in time on clicks / session durations - all sliced as available)
  12. Day Based Statistics (Sat / Sun stats)
  13. Device Based Statistics (Web or PC / iOS / Android)

Please confirm at the earliest.