Please help, I go to Train tab and I am not able to write any intent name.... I cannot create an intent,, please help

Please help, I go to Train Tab and I am not able to write any intent name… I cannot create an intent, please help

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Can you switch your bot environment from Live → Development and then try to perform the same action.

Please share a screenshot if you’re still facing the issue after making the change

I was already in development environment


As you can see in the tooltip, the intent name has to be minimum 3 distinct words.

In this case, try “generate a lead” — for the intent name
utterances have no such limitations

you are right my friend, shame on me… haha…thank you it works now…please listen, I used to work in yellow and now i am working for a yellow´s partner as product manager exclusive of

i am desperately looking for a friend to help me with my little issues and doubts… and could this friend be you?

Friend, your best bet is to raise these queries individually over on community as the whole company is plugged into this ecosystem to help you out.

We’re happy to help :slight_smile: