What is the throughput of notifications API v2 for the cloud platform? Haldiram’s is planning to use this from the Moengage portal for running campaigns and wanted to confirm the throughput of the API.
Hi @Shubham_Raja ,
V2 API will have significantly lower throughput when used externally.
May I know the usecase that they are trying to achieve and can they use Engage Outbound or Flows to execute the campaign?
They are currently using Moengage as their marketing automation platform. They already have the user data, segments, sub-segments, etc. available on Moengage. Now, they want to run and schedule marketing campaigns(new launches, offers, etc.) using our API from the Moengage platform. I told them our engage will have much better throughput and stability, but they’re bent on using MoEngage for this.
I have also told them that for template creation, they’ll still have to come to our platform and they’re okay with that. Additionally, they also want the delivery reports to be flowing to MoEngage.
@Wasim_Laskar can we have an update here? The client is following up aggressively on this.