WhatsApp Orchestrator is not responding for Bot id x1665140004865

@ankit.chawla had requested Mahesh Kumar to connect the Bot Id x1665140004865 to WA Orchestrator and we also got your confirmation that WA Orchestrator has been connected to this bot.

When checked on Web bot, we are able to receive the response. Pls refer to screen capture.

But we notice that when we try to connect to WA Orchestrator, there is no response at all. We do not see anything in the logs as well. Pls refer to screen capture.

Can you pls help on this? Is it possible to disconnect and re-connect again?

CC: @dedymulyadi

Hi @Agilan_KS

This seems like a bug that requires the studio/channels teams intervention.
Please raise an internal support ticket (jira).

Sure @gautham, we have already created a Jira ticket as well - Log in with Atlassian account

Great, the respective product team will reach out with a clarification directly.