Can I decorate text messages with Bold/Italic

Can I do something like put in HTML tags in text messages?
I want to embed some youtube videos, place URL that will be opened when you click a word like “Click Here!”

Is it possible?

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You can change text to bold and italic using the following syntax:

  • Bold: Text
  • Italic: Text

You can also refer to the example below:

Did you find <strong>what</strong> you were <i>looking</i> for, {{{}}}

Above text will be displayed as:
Did you find what you were looking for, {{{}}}

Currently, URL embedding is not supported. You can use dynamic quick replies here to redirect users to YouTube videos.

To add onto this further,

On Web

Hey <strong>Gautham</strong>  -----> Bold
<i> Hope you are well </i>    -----> Italics

On WhatsApp


To add emojis, simply search for them online and copy paste into the text field of your node

Happy bot building!!

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