Convert media files(jpeg, jpg, png etc.) converted to base64 to PDF using "Generate PDF" node

Hi Team,

We need help in converting user input media files (jpeg, jpg, png, docx, etc.) to PDF

We tried doing the same, please find below the steps:

  1. Captured user input using file prompt
  2. Passed the user input into API node url and changed the API Encoding to base64
  3. Now we are passing the base64 converted input to “Generate PDF” node with convert from “Base64” input type “variable” convert to “PDF”
  4. Next we are printing the converted pdf url in text node

Note: We even tried not to use API node instead directly use “Generate PDF” node with convert from “Base64” input type “API” and directly using the configured API

Problem - When we try to open the converted pdf url we are getting “Error” Unable to load PDF document.

Please find all the necessary screen captures attached

Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 4.17.28 PM

CC: @Saravanan_R @Agilan_KS @Hitesh