Custom Bot logo Is not working when we increase size of gif - Chat Widget

The size has been increased, and the Custom Bot logo has been uploaded. However, it has not changed as of yet.

Upload it for the staging bot and then publish it to production. Direct upload to production bots will not work.

In this bot we have

  • Development
  • Live
    and I have made changes in Dev mode. Any guidance

Namaste @Abhijeet_Kumar

Custom icon upload option in Settings page has a max height of 90px (mobile and desktop), and the width will adjust accordingly by preserving aspect ratio.

If you want to upload an even larger icon, you need to set up custom icon on client’s website, and make use of Bot function to open/close bot.
Please refer this documentation, where you can find a sample implementation along with instructions.


Hi, Akshay Can we share this documentation with the client?

Yes, you can share it with client.