How to make the list entries non-clickable in List carousels?

Hello Team,

I’d like to know how to make the list entries under List carousels non clickable, currently it is clickable and the documentation doesn’t speak about anything around these lines. Kindly help

In the above screenshot, all those entries under “+” can be clicked but I need non clickable entries.

@Manthan_Rathod This card is for use cases where multiple category <> sub-category options are to be provided to user. These are basically buttons. Why do you want to disable it? What’s the use case?

I want to show contents as a list, like as for in the above example expanding a category shows sub categories. So thought to use this carousel card. If there are any other UI elements I can use apart from this please let me know

You can enable text formatting, and add contents as bullet points as well.
Check this documentation on how to format text as bullet points: Chat widget Text formatter |

I have already enabled text formatting. Also do you mean to say I can use a text node for this list printing purpose? Because earlier I’ve tried using dynamic text node syntax but it doesn’t work, doesn’t print anything. This is the example I used earlier for dynamic text node -

  "type": "text",
  "value": "printing from dynamic variable"

Also I’d also want to embed hyperlinks in one of the sub-categories, would text node serve the purpose?

@Manthan_Rathod yes, you can make use of text node. It also supports hyperlinks for URL, Phone number, and Email