Hello everyone
I’m trying to fetch multiple data from an object like this {[{"dish":"......", "quantity": ...},{"dish":"......", "quantity": ...},{"dish":"......", "quantity": ...},...,{"dish":"......", "quantity": ...}]}
If I’m writting {{{variables.db_response.records.0.dish}}}
or {{{variables.db_response.records.0.quantity}}}
, it onlys fetches 1 record and I want to fetch every single record. What should I do?
Hi @Ayush_Chaudhary ,
Create a function and parse
let records = data.variables.db_response.records
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Hey @Subhrajit_Gupta
Thank you for your response. Can you elaborate more?
Actually what I have to write in the function?
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You have to create a function, extract the data from the variable that stored the DB response.
let records = data.variables.db_response.records
console.log(records, "records")
Log the result and check the data.
Post this you can do what you want with the data as per the use case.
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