No response on bot on MS Teams

When we are connecting the bot to our test MS Teams account bot is responding properly but when we are connecting it to customer MS Teams accounts it is not responding to any message at all. Attaching logs for both, can someone help what is going wrong here. I think we are missing some setting at MS Teams level:

Logs for connecting bot to our test MS Teams account which is working fine:-

“stdouttype”: “stdout”,
“letter”: “F”,
“level”: “debug”,
“f_t”: “2022-11-23T05:00:03.712Z”,
“ist_timestamp”: “23 Nov 2022, 10:30:03 GMT+5:30”,
“traceId”: “5sAVNU7sx7_g4NaE8dkjJ”,
“bot”: “x1633938732732”,
“data”: “”,
“tag”: “BUILDER : {"cards":[{"title":"Let us know what brings you here","description":"Description","actions":[{"title":"Create Incident","buttonDefault":"text","text":"Create Incident"},{"title":"Check Ticket Status","buttonDefault":"text","text":"Check Ticket Status"},{"title":"Create Service Request","buttonDefault":"text","text":"Create Service Request"},{"title":"FAQs","buttonDefault":"text","text":"FAQs"}],"image":"","video":"","text":"Type \"main\" for this Main menu and type \"back\" to go one step back anytime during conversation"}],"options":{"autoSkippingEnabledByEntities":},"hideInput":false,"hideHomeButton":false,"disableAfterClick":false}”,
“sender”: “a:1_HBa-4Tblgm4UBSXJvuBAAHLBPGm1uz2c6hfw5AGG52mhcM8kOMxdicYPgNOG_gKeK9zoSQjYKo4Il9uz7yd84VqXs7gO7rt4ABuSIAAah8w5cyy9cCe5r948V7_mt3-”,
“source”: “botframework”,
“workflow”: “initiateconversation-clone_sduoqr”,
“nodeId”: “28892932f99847c4”,
“botId”: “x1633938732732”

Logs for connecting it to customer’s MS Teams account:-
“stdouttype”: “stdout”,
“letter”: “F”,
“level”: “info”,
“f_t”: “2022-11-23T05:05:31.193Z”,
“ist_timestamp”: “23 Nov 2022, 10:35:31 GMT+5:30”,
“traceId”: “9J3qscVXnWiSC5pHdJ1uG”,
“bot”: “x1633938732732”,
“data”: “”,
“tag”: “[AsyncSourceExecution] Text Message received for processing : \r\nHow to delete existing pricing agreements?”,
“sender”: “a:1Ki7q8Prj8hVgIGn1rKWqKiH1HUOrKnDP4vewsQZJbFHfSmL0kD9uvM_qJHMjD3JcJMrXx97kWRvHLm9krtrvhxMiyMLWR4jVz8n7iF6_IWQURMmikcsB9r70_bn_xutI”,
“source”: “botframework”,
“workflow”: “”,
“nodeId”: “”,
“botId”: “x1633938732732”

What I could also observe is when we are connecting to customer’s account we are not getting any value in “Worklow” and "nodeid’ tags in response and the “tag” just halts as [Asyncexecution]