Clarification Required on Private Apps for Hubspot Integration

For one of my client, who is using hubspot inetgration, Has informed Hubspot is deprecating API Keys post 30th Nov. Integrations will instead be required to work with Private Apps. In the Bot we have used API keys to access the hubspot. So does private apps mean switching to integration present in the platform ?

Documentation - Upcoming: API Key Sunset.

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Hey Harshin, good afternoon. Thanks for reaching out to the Integrations team.

Can you please help me with the following details:
Platform : App or Cloud
Region :

As for the integration mentioned above, it looks like you are not using our native solution. Since, the above doc mentions a Private App as the way forward, though you are free to create a private app of your own and try using it, the native HubSpot integration we offer is already based on the Private App approach and should be the recommended way forward.

Be advised that using our native integration means that the flow might require changes as the integration config details are not revealed in the bot flow, and hence the native action nodes exposed when enabling the integration have to be used.

Please feel free to reply in case of further queries.


Thanks for the information Siddharth
Platform is Cloud.
Region is India.

We are not using API node for hubspot Integration and not the Native solution. So switching to native solution means we have to replace all the API nodes with the Hubspot Integration Nodes right ?

Yes, at the minimum this might be required.
Additionally, the native solution might already be solving more pain points for you. Please feel free to explore in a sandbox environment.

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Thanks a lot Siddharth

Hi Harshin,
A small correction to what Siddharth Mentioned above,

As there 3 methods which can be used for the Hubspot Apis

  1. Api Key
  2. OAuth
  3. Private Access Token

And according to the documentation you shared above the Api Key method is getting deprecated, In our native integration of Hubspot we are OAuth Method.

So our native integration will not be affected with this deprecation.
Thank you.