How can I trigger email for a user

Once user clicks on a button, it should take user to a compose email page.

Besides using hyperlinks in Text Node, is there any way I can achieve this through buttons?

Hi Hemant, can you pls elaborate a bit more ?

In case if you trying to send an email after an action is completed. Lets say once your end user as made purchase you want to send the details via email. You can use outbound notification node.

No so it’s a basic FAQ bot, once user gets the answer we are putting a feedback panel.
If user was not satisfied with the answer then in that case client wants us to provide a way user can send an email to client’s support email ID.

Create a email template that you want to send to the customer 's support email. (and pass the customer comments as a dynamic variable there)
You can manually capture the feedback/comments from the end-user.
Then with the help of outbound notification you can send the same to the client 's support email.

But client want’s it’s users to send email directly (sender should be client’s users).
So what they want is on click it should open up an email platform with recipient email present by default.

As far as I know, that is not possible.
But with the approach suggested earlier, you will still be able to capture the end user email details along with the feedback to send to client 's support email.

Understood thank you for your help.