If else node for validation

Hello @Pratik , I am building a user authentication module with our OTP API.

This is the sample response from OTP verification.

“requestID”: “ca92a755-aa26-4dbb-899f-08ae2ecb73f7”,
“errorLevel”: 9002,
“procResponse”: “OTP verification failed (OTP_INVALID)”

Here, I am saving value of errorLevel in a variable OTPVERSucessCode(String type).

my intention is display whether verification is successful or not (based on OTP user enter).

below is the snapshot of how I am trying to implement If else logic.

If value of OTPVERSucessCode is ‘0’ it will show success message else validation failure message.

Journey doesn’t seem to move forward upon reaching IF else node.

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Hey @Murtuza_Jeeranwala

In the logic node, can you try adding double commas around 0? Since the OTPVERSucessCode is a string variable, you need to convert the value you’re trying to compare to the string as well.

Please feel free to reach out to me if the issue persists.

Hello Pratik,

Still no luck.

This is how I am keeping by condition block.


prior to reaching this block , i am setting up value of variable ‘OTPVerSuccesscode’ as {{{variables.OTPVerResponse.errorLevel}}}

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Hey @Murtuza_Jeeranwala

Can you please share bot access with me at pratik@yellow.ai?

Hi Pratik.

I checked that you already have my bot access.

My registered email address is: mjeeranwala@ucssolutions.com

Please check user authentication journey in the same: https://cloud.yellow.ai/bot/x1627907397854/studio/build/flows/user-authentication

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Can you please share your subscription ID as well?


Just for your information, this is still a test account. |

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Hey @Murtuza_Jeeranwala

I’m not able to test this journey. Can you please share a screenshot or video of the chat flow?

Hi Pratik,

below journey snapshot:



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Hey @Murtuza_Jeeranwala

We’re not able to replicate this issue with our phone number. Can we get on a call to resolve this issue? You can schedule a call with me using this link: Calendly - Pratik Parmar
