Razorpay Payment Status payload

What is the payload structure of the razorpay payment status?

I can’t find it in the docs

@gautham you can take this marketplace component as a reference for Razorpay Payment Status payload.

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Right, but I would need to configure and actually make a payment via the bot to then read the logs here.

Do you have the payload handy for me to share it with another developer

@gautham using this template we can

  1. Generate the payment link.
  2. Whenever a payment is done, we would be getting an event back to the bot.

If you are looking for something like this, this template would help you.

Hi @gautham

  "amount": 37770,
  "amount_due": 37770,
  "amount_paid": 0,
  "billing_end": null,
  "billing_start": null,
  "cancelled_at": null,
  "comment": null,
  "created_at": 1671767331,
  "currency": "INR",
  "currency_symbol": "₹",
  "customer_details": {
    "billing_address": null,
    "contact": "9999999999",
    "customer_contact": "9999999999",
    "customer_email": "sdfdfdsdd@gmail.com",
    "customer_name": "asdfsd T",
    "email": "sdfsdfdfd@gmail.com",
    "gstin": null,
    "id": "cust_xxxx",
    "name": "wefwe T",
    "shipping_address": null
  "customer_id": "cust_K9I1L8eqkfjbUN",
  "date": 1671767331,
  "description": "Payment for Medicines / Suppliments",
  "email_status": "sent",
  "entity": "invoice",
  "expire_by": null,
  "expired_at": null,
  "first_payment_min_amount": 0,
  "gross_amount": 37770,
  "group_taxes_discounts": false,
  "id": "inv_KvD0ZPF8bI8Al1",
  "invoice_number": null,
  "issued_at": 1671767331,
  "line_items": [],
  "notes": {
    "appointmentid": "3194",
    "appointmenttype": "pharmacy",
    "bot": "x1632898626254",
    "sender": "14839036525502911495859557123",
    "source": "yellowmessenger"
  "order_id": "order_KvD0aA7WwTEdv8",
  "paid_at": null,
  "partial_payment": false,
  "payment_id": null,
  "receipt": null,
  "reminder_enable": false,
  "reminders": [],
  "short_url": "https://rzp.io/i/sNVXrWRjg",
  "sms_status": "sent",
  "status": "issued",
  "tax_amount": 0,
  "taxable_amount": 0,
  "terms": null,
  "type": "link",
  "user_id": "",
  "view_less": true
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