Thumbs up showing unnecessary

Hi team,

Don’t know why I am getting so much thumbs up in UI of bot, Please let me know how to remove it.

Hey, @Sachin_Muksha

You can disable this on Channels → Chat Widget → Settings → Message Feedback.

Can you share a screen recording of this issue? This does not look right, and we’d like to investigate further on this.

Message feedback option is not enabled. See

Dottie is a cloud bot, right? Please check it on

Also, I do not see the message feedback UI on

Is there any parameter with the help of which I can remove this thumbs up. Below is my function

Why are you using enableFeedback: true for a quickReply? Please remove that.

could you please let me know the use of enableFeedback: , previous developer write this code.

It enables option to share feedback for bot responses. Users can click on thumbs up/down option based on how helpful it has been to them. You can enable/disable the functionality in widget settings on platform. You can remove it from the function to address the issue faced.

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