Unable to get the API Response while executing flow and "Test" option in API node but the API is working in api management

Unable to get the API Response while executing flow and “Test” option in API node but the API is working in api management.

observation : we are using environment configuration(env config) in api management. PFA

Hi @Sai_Kumar_Singaram ,
Please check how you are configuring the env url.
Please check this document → Add Enviroment Variables to API | yellow.ai
However, an alternative is to use a global variable, use your data and pass it to API node.

I’m using environment config for api node which is failing

test option on API node has some limitations. If your API is working fine in flow in general and API management, it should work.
API node test option is faster way to test response without testing whole flow, but it does not work with parse function.

Do you have a parse function added on API node?
If so is your API working as expected when you preview whole flow?

API is not working with the flow also that is the reason raised a query and even we are not using any parse function and I do understand the limitation of test functionality in api.