Is it possible to get analytics data for each Session, Client needs data with the below fields
Session ID, User ID, Chat closed at what level? (Bot/Agent), Session Duration, Bot Message count, User Message Count, Journey Completion %
Is it possible to get analytics data for each Session, Client needs data with the below fields
Session ID, User ID, Chat closed at what level? (Bot/Agent), Session Duration, Bot Message count, User Message Count, Journey Completion %
@Sai_Sandeep You can derive this report from the Bot events and User engagement events tables in Data Explorer. You might need to export and analyse externally on excel.
@Sanskrity Currently we are flowing this process only. But the manual task is involved her client needs to put more effort to analyse both tables, is it possible to get a report directly with the combination of Bot events and User engagement events table with unique sessionId and userId
@Sai_Sandeep Currently joining of tables is not possible. We’re exploring a solution for this though.