Date Range Response

@Pratik can you also let me know moustache expression to reflect date range selected.

At present I am using this for single date:

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You can refer to this thread to parse the date range response: Parse Date Range Picker repsonse - #4 by Pratik

Hi Pratik, Thank.

I have also observed that date prompt do not capture current date all the time.

I have created some flows to capture data reflect it at the end in confirmation message.


In above snap shot, you can check, even if date selected is 30th march, when we reflect date in next step through moustache expression it shows 16th March.

Hi Pratik,

Can you tell me what should be the expression to print complete data range selected by user.

In understand that following code snippet can access values from the response:

  • Start Date: {{{}}}
  • End Date: {{{}}}

But this only print date like 20, 22 etc.

What if I need to show message like , your booking is confirmed from 26/05/2022 to 28/05/2022.

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Hey @Murtuza_Jeeranwala
You can use this code snippet to display date range in the chat:

User selected date range
From {{{}}}/{{{variables.variableName.range.start.month}}}/{{{variables.variableName.range.start.year}}}
to  {{{}}}/{{{variables.variableName.range.end.month}}}/{{{variables.variableName.range.end.year}}}