Parse Date Range Picker repsonse

Definately @Rahul_Zirpe

As shown in the guide, for Date Range you can refer to this sample response:

    "value": {
                "timestamp": "2021-09-08T00:00:00.000Z",
                "year": 2021,
                "month": 8,
                "date": 8,
                "day": "Sunday",
                "hour": 0,
                "minute": 0
    "range": {
        "exists": true,
                "timestamp": "2021-09-08T00:00:00.000Z",
                "year": 2021,
                "month": 8,
                "date": 8,
                "day": "Sunday",
                "hour": 0,
                "minute": 0
                "timestamp": "2021-09-08T00:00:00.000Z",
                "year": 2021,
                "month": 8,
                "date": 9,
                "day": "Monday",
                "hour": 0,
                "minute": 0

You can use following code snippet to access values from the response:

  • Start Date: {{{}}}
  • End Date: {{{}}}

Please feel free to comment down below if you face any issue.

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