- In WhatsApp, can multiple images be stored in a single file node?
- If the user doesn’t share an image within four hours, can we notify them in a way akin to a drop-off notification?
- Assume that the user initiates communication and sends one image to the bot, so we can auto-skip the file promt.
- Don’t think so.
- If the user initiates with an image, it will come under data.image.
Once it comes, store it in a variable.
If that variable exists with an image route the node link to the next prompt instead of the file.
Thanks, Can you answer this one also
- If the user doesn’t share an image within four hours, can we notify them in a way akin to a drop-off notification?
There is an inbuilt event called delayed message event, which needs to be deployed if not deployed yet.
Ex: User inactivity event where you configure the journey and step name.
Once the image prompt arrives you set the delayed messageEvent for 4 hours and wait for the event to come from event hub.
Create a journey with the same custom event to trigger.
If the variable has image, or user has shared image in 4 hours dont do anything
else send a message in text node
User Inactivity Event in Event Hub
Thanks for the update
Pleasure. Kindly close this if your query is solved.
Hey @Abhijeet_Kumar
Thanks for bringing this question up. Had it on the back of my mind as well!!
Small Request: Kindly raise queries with appropriate titles for the respective product teams to pickup queries quicker