If there is a website bot and we want to track the following parameters:
Browsing info
* Pages viewed
* Time spent on specific pages (session)
* Number of visits
* Page load time
* First click time duration
* Total number of mouse/device clicks/taps
* Referrals - (Channel directing them to the website)
* Ad blocker name
* Incognito mode (Yes/No)
- Device information
- OS
- Browser Engine
- Browser Name
- Browser Version
- Device Type (Mobile,Tablet,Desktop)
- Browser Language
- Screen resolution
- Geographical Info
- Country
- State
- Longitude
- Latitude
- Date
- Time
- Can we track all the above parameters and store it on YM platform and also push this info to a Backend system via API ?
- Are these parameters collected only once at the start or the end of the conversation or done multiple times ?
- If there is a live chat happening in the web bot, can the entire chat log along with the tags defined be pushed to the client backend via API ?
You can check a lot of these parameteres from “Profile” system variable like Device, geographical info etc
Or using it in function as data.profile
This is mostly for user bot activity
You should use a separate tool for your website activity tracking if bot is not being used.
Some of the parameters related to widget clicks etc may be available on analytics directly for which I am looping in analytics team @Sanskrity @Anmol to guide you.
Once you can confirm that you are now receiving all this data after my answer,
Yes you can send that data via API anywhere. You can also store this data with already present data in our analytics tool to create custom dashboards directly
Please explore it here Introduction to insights | yellow.ai
This is dependent on parameters, I would need a more specific question to answer this. Most session/user details might come only once, action related details me change as per action changes.
Can be requested via internal ticket what exactly is needed to be pushed, why along with client details. Raw chat transcripts however are again available in analytics tables in insights section.
@Anmol @Sanskrity Need your help in clarifying data here that is already tracked at analytics
So we can help with storing/getting remaining custom data.