Voice error and break the journey

Hi Team,

I have issue when triggering IVR using the API. suddenly, there’s an errors in logs like in the below:

6677081387937711_60d57204-a114-4c9a-81e8-8c6e32ec4038][error] Finding Next Step : {

  • "message": "Expected datatype for voice_ringing_time is number but received: string",*
  • "stack": "TypeError: Expected datatype for voice_ringing_time is number but received: string\n    at BotVariables.#hasSameDatatype (/app/models/BotVariables.js:285:19)\n    at BotVariables.set (/app/models/BotVariables.js:126:30)\n    at setVariable (/app/components/builder/actions/setBotVariables.js:55:33)\n    at setBotVariablesNode (/app/components/builder/actions/setBotVariables.js:96:27)\n    at async executeNormalAction (/app/components/builder/nextStep.js:844:5)\n    at async executeStepActionNode (/app/components/builder/nextStep.js:1135:21)\n    at async nextExecutableStepNewBuilder (/app/components/builder/nextStep.js:1200:16)\n    at async executeNewBuilder (/app/components/builder/nextStep.js:1285:28)"*
  • }*

the journey will break after the erros appear. would you mind to check that error?

Thank you

anyone can help on this issue?

Greetings Anang,

If you have done the basic sanity check and you feel this is a platform bug, please raise a ticket for this.

Thank you