Whats app flow is slow down

We are not able to get any response from the test chatbot , it taking too much time for reply / response
please provide some solution

Greetings Yash,

Can you help us provide more information and clarity on the issue?

  • By test chatbot are you referring to the preview section in the right hand side of the studio/flow page?
  • Are you observing this in specific flows/steps or every step and flow(if specific, would request you to share the same)
  • Was this experience from the beginning or have you started encountering this recently?

The above information will help us understand the issue better and provide the right resolution.

Yes Sure,
we are not reffering the preview section we actually testing staging “Chola Flow” by scanning qr code on physical whats app device.
We are facing 2 major issues as follows
1.Chat bot suddenly got slow down yesterday after 7 pm on all our device and getting very late response on each queries
2.Our chat bot flow is having multiple scenarios with big flow at some stage we are not able to add any new node after some point
is there any limitations for adding nodes to yellow?
if not then what should be do for adding the new node ?

Greetings Yash,

Please find the responses to your queries below:

  • Please raise a support ticket if you continue to experience this over the weekend as well.
  • Yes. A single flow can have/contain only upto 150 nodes maximum. We do not recommend/suggest to configure huge flows within the same journey. It’s ideal to break the flows into smaller journeys and configure it.

Ok Got the point for the node limitations
We need a make a call so somebody can help us how to configure it as we are currently close to our deadline

Also please explain what was the root cause for slow down chatbot
So we will take precaution before productions.

Greetings Yash,

A call wouldn’t be necessary to handle this case.

You can break the flow as per your need and create new flows journey. Can connect one flow to another using the Execute flow node.

Assume you have Flow A(The large single flow configured). You can break create smaller flows - Flow 1, Flow 2, Flow 3, Flow 4 etc.,

Based on your configuration and user journey, you can use the Execute flow node towards the end of Flow 1 and select Flow 2 there. The same follows for the other flows as well.

Reference doc for the same: Action Nodes | yellow.ai

If you are still facing slowness on bot after building multiple flows instead of using one flow, do raise a support ticket and the concerned team will pick it up and close it on priority.

Ok Got it
It would be great if you can tell us what was root cause yesterday delay for chatbot