Get Error : Getting error : Our chatbot is temporarily unavailable and we are working on a fix after SDK integration

hey currently i am integrating our android native app with yellow ai sdk, and always get this error when load the chat bot, can anybody here help me? fyi i am just implement minimal setup like add botID and than start the chat bot

this is my code

val botId = "xxxxxxxxxx"
val ymChat = YMChat.getInstance()
ymChat.config = YMConfig(botId)

Hey @Yusup, this might be an error because of bot deployment region.
If the bot is deployed in a specific region (Example: r1,r2,r3…rn) on cloud, you have to add one more configuration in ymChat, i.e. customBaseUrl.
Here is the documentation for it Android Chatbot SDK |

You can set the customBaseUrl like this-
ymChat.config.customBaseUrl = "";