When the user connected to the live agent we need to capture the previous journey and save it in the database
Hi @Sai_Sandeep,
Below is the cURL reuest. Please add sender, bot id API key
curl --location --request GET 'https://cloud.yellow.ai/api/agents/data/messages?bot=<botid>&uid=<sender>' \
--header 'x-api-key: <key>'
From here you can get the chat transcript,
Use the latest slug name to filter last intent’s conversation.
Hi, While @Subhrajit_Gupta suggested a way for the solution you want to implement.
If I’m not wrong the core of the problem is that you/associated business needs a way to analyse ‘where’ and ‘why’ agent deflection is happening most.
Is that correct @Sai_Sandeep ?
I would like it if you can expand here on what analysis or insights you feel are missing.
Yes @Aakanksha_Jain Client needs to analyse from which journey users are connecting to the agent. In this bot, we given connect to agent option for all the journeys
@Subhrajit_Gupta From the API I am not able to identify the previous journey. When we hit the API we received the below response
"success": true,
"message": "Success",
"data": [
"_id": "63999ceefbc98a0001f68475",
"shouldTranslateMessage": false,
"created": "2022-12-14T09:52:46.746Z",
"updated": "2022-12-14T09:52:46.746Z",
"botId": "x1655106487306",
"uid": "3227156631928542555708574851",
"message": "{\"message\":\"We are not able to connect to a live agent at this time, please send your query to hello@zolve.com\",\"filePrompt\":false}",
"messageType": "BOT",
"sessionId": "639999e5e73c490008125d08",
"slug": "chat-with-agent:response",
"feedback": "",
"source": "yellowmessenger",
"questionId": "63999ced2d256700091b9d55",
"medium": "message",
"conversationId": "3227156631928542555708574851",
"ticketId": "100109",
"messageTags": [],
"nodeType": "text",
"traceId": "3227156631928542555708574851_py0s0LCTZbiWJtixTAKQx",
"__v": 0,
"messageStatus": {
"status": "delivered",
"timestamp": 1671011566,
"systemStatus": "user_received"
"channelMsgId": "63999ceefbc98a0001f68475",
"createdAt": "2022-12-14T09:52:46.906Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-12-14T09:52:46.906Z"
"_id": "63999ceefbc98a000138365d",
"shouldTranslateMessage": false,
"created": "2022-12-14T09:52:46.547Z",
"updated": "2022-12-14T09:52:46.547Z",
"botId": "x1655106487306",
"uid": "3227156631928542555708574851",
"message": "{\"message\":\"Please give me a moment to connect you to an agent.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\",\"filePrompt\":false}",
"messageType": "BOT",
"sessionId": "639999e5e73c490008125d08",
"slug": "chat-with-agent:e2271f6533a11143",
"feedback": "",
"source": "yellowmessenger",
"questionId": "63999ced2d256700091b9d55",
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"createdAt": "2022-12-14T09:52:46.668Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-12-14T09:52:46.668Z"
"_id": "63999ced2d256700091b9d55",
"shouldTranslateMessage": false,
"created": "2022-12-14T09:52:45.688Z",
"updated": "2022-12-14T09:52:46.725Z",
"botId": "x1655106487306",
"uid": "3227156631928542555708574851",
"message": "{\"text\":\"Yes\",\"title\":\"Yes\"}",
"messageType": "USER",
"sessionId": "639999e5e73c490008125d08",
"slug": "update-personal-details_nxclfm:1ea6b2f7f855d6c3",
"feedback": "",
"source": "yellowmessenger",
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"messageAdditionalData": {
"subSource": "pwa",
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"text": "Yes",
"title": "Yes"
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"note": "The message has reached to controller and its getting processed"
"channelMsgId": "63999ced2d256700091b9d55",
"createdAt": "2022-12-14T09:52:46.778Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-12-14T09:52:46.778Z"
"_id": "63999cea2baea30001200872",
"shouldTranslateMessage": false,
"created": "2022-12-14T09:52:42.621Z",
"updated": "2022-12-14T09:52:42.621Z",
"botId": "x1655106487306",
"uid": "3227156631928542555708574851",
"message": "{\"quickReplies\":{\"title\":\"\",\"options\":[{\"text\":\"\",\"title\":\"Yes\",\"id\":\"quick_02d3894197654089\"},{\"text\":\"\",\"title\":\"No\",\"id\":\"quick_6c5818971858f3e8\"}]},\"hideInput\":false}",
"messageType": "BOT",
"sessionId": "639999e5e73c490008125d08",
"slug": "update-personal-details_nxclfm:1ea6b2f7f855d6c3",
"feedback": "",
"source": "yellowmessenger",
"questionId": "63999cea4dfc3d00081ef17c",
"medium": "message",
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Hi @Sai_Sandeep ,
Please check the slug property. If you are looking for the latest intent, the unique slug name will be at the top.
With messageType
"messageType": "USER", or BOT
you can filter out if its a user message or BOT response.
@Sanskrity @Anmol FYI
Thanks @Aakanksha_Jain .
@Sanskrity Let’s add this to the roadmap. This is a valid use case.