How to change profile name in conversation logs or bot messages?

How to change the profile name in conversation logs or bot messages? Currently getting random names. pls, help.

@Tharun_Kumar_Gutha We display random names in order maintain end user anonymity. This can’t be changed.

@akshay_bhat But bro if the channel is WhatsApp profile name will automatically get right. Because of the website bot, if no name is present in the It generates a random name right?
But the profile object is a system variable. I tried to change the but it’s not changing.
Can you give me any API if present to update the user profile?

@Tharun_Kumar_Gutha User agreement/TnC for WhatsApp is different from web. On WhatsApp each user name is linked to a profile name, and they would have agreed to share the same. It’s not the case on web, and users can choose to stay anonymous. Therefore, we don’t show actual name.