Alert message configuration in case of user inactive

Is there any way we can send alert messages to the end user and then move the ticket to missed chat on the app platform if the user is inactive for some x minute?
plat -App
cc:- @Raj_Bhartiya

Hey @AmanKumar , We will not be able to move an assigned chat into missed based on inactivity. However, we can auto-close the chat when the customer is inactive and not responding for X mins. Let me know if this works for you.

Refer this document on how to enable auto-close for your inbox - Configure chat inactivity timeout | Its pretty much the same UI in both app & cloud platforms.


HI @Sandeep_Rajaram , is there a possibility to prompt a message to the end user based on the customer inactivity for x mins?

Yes @Raj_Bhartiya We can send a message to the customer if they are inactive for X mins. Pls refer this document on how to trigger the customer inactivity event - Configure chat inactivity timeout |

Once you’ve enabled & entered the inactivity time period, ticket-inactive will be generated from Inbox. You can capture them in the Studio section and trigger journeys to send custom messages