Docs for Salesforce Live Chat Customer Field

I have passed the customFields data to the raise ticket node. this is the data looks like:

            "label": "Source",
            "value": data.variables.origin,
            "transcriptFields": [
            "displayToAgent": true
            "label": "Chat Transcript URL",
            "value": data.variables.chatTranscriptUrl,
            "transcriptFields": [
            "displayToAgent": true
            "label": "Contact Name",
            "value": data.variables.contactId,
            "transcriptFields": [
            "displayToAgent": true
            "label": "CaseId",
            "value": data.variables.caseId,
            "transcriptFields": [
            "displayToAgent": true
            "label": "Phone Number",
            "transcriptFields": [
            "displayToAgent": true

However, the data is not sent to the salesforce. Can someone guide me?

Hey Hasan,
Can you also add entityMaps for each value and check.
You can refer to where the sample for custom fields are provided.

Thanks for responding. will try based on the docs. However how do we know the entityName ?